The Lost Millennials project, funded by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway through the EEA and Norway Grants Fund for Youth Employment, focuses on a commonly neglected target group of the generation of Millennials: Young people aged between 25 and 29 years, who are out of employment or education and training (NEETs), live in small towns in rural areas and face multiple barriers to their inclusion in labor market.
The starting point of the working life of the project’s target groups was shortly after the economic crisis of 2008, leading to feelings of uncertainty and insecurity regarding work opportunities, affecting their well-being, and leading them to be inactive or in labor market.
The primary target group of the Lost Millennials project is researchers, experts in the field of evaluations, youth employment, or labor market inclusion, as well as professionals in governmental and civil society organizations, responsible for the implementation of evaluation of employment initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs or youth in general.
The target groups of the Lost Millennials project, in general, are the following:
Researchers & Experts in the Field of Youth Employment, Employment/ Youth Policy & Impact Evaluation
25+ NEETs
The main target groups are the consortium members, and accordingly, researchers, experts, and other stakeholders across Europe interested in the smooth and successful integration of NEETs in the labor market.
The main objective of the project is to contribute to the successful integration of 25+ NEETs into the labour market through:
This goal will be achieved with the creation of the transnational research network, which will: