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Increasing knowledge on the effects of employment initiatives
on 25+ NEETs and supporting the achievement of the project's objectives.

Building a Community of Knowledge and Practice

The purpose of this activity is to build a community of knowledge through know-how exchange and capacity-building within the network of the consortium as well as beyond, engaging researchers and other stakeholders working with young NEETs or involved in the field of evaluation.

Creating and Exploring Common Ground

This activity aims to take stock of the development of the rate of 25+ NEETs over time, their distribution among diverse groups in beneficiary countries and across Europe, and the policies which address the problem.

It also analyses the impact of the pandemic crisis on the prospects of young people in the labour market, focusing on young people neither in employment nor in education or training, especially those in vulnerable situations.

Mapping of Initiatives and Evaluation Practices

This activity intends to gather information about the governmental and community-based initiatives addressing 25+ NEETs in beneficiary countries, as well as to map and analyse the evaluation practices assessing these initiatives.

It will explore key contexts related to the extent of implemented initiatives targeting 25+ NEETs as well as the existing evaluation practices.

Performing Evaluation of Initiatives

This activity carries out evaluations of governmental and community-based initiatives in every beneficiary country. The analysed initiatives will be at the local or regional level, implemented by governmental or civil society entities.

They will be selected considering the overall national contexts of employment initiatives and related impact studies, with the aim to fill a gap in existing knowledge on the initiatives and their impact.

Engaging Policy-makers and Practitioners

This activity is dedicated to engaging policy-makers and practitioners in order to: 1. Increase the potential of project impact and the use of impact studies among policy-makers. 2. Enhance transnational cooperation on labor market issues of 25+ NEETs.

It will ensure that the project’s policy-relevant findings are peer-reviewed and validated in terms of relevance and scalability, as well as that project objectives are achieved through advocacy and dissemination.